Squid with rocket pesto and potatoes

Ingredients and technique

The squid is soberly grilled. To accompany it, there is some rocket pesto, made with hazelnuts that are sweet and mediate the bitterness of the rocket. There are lime potatoes, so still sweetness, with freshness and acidity. And to do ‘croc’, three delicious waffles of bread, in three different colors. Green, thanks to the use of an algae extract. Black, using the liquid recovered from cuttlefish. Orange, because there is the characteristic infusion of island orange peel. In short, a nice puzzle of ideas and flavors. Each ingredient is well embedded and extremely functional to the whole.


Not just pizza and buffalo. With thenew formula, the à la carte offer has expanded to 360 degrees. A restaurant that establishes itself as a reliable sea port. Strategic position, just on the port. Perfect for those who arrive, for those who leave, for those who walk. Strikes for generosity, loyalty for acceptance attitude. Attentive service in its great informality, let’s call it a citizen benefit of Ischia catering. It knows how to please the most different palates, who is in a hurry to leave, who has the time to let himself be pampered.
Of great substance. It is cooked in a true and sincere manner. The value for money is a winner.

Dish reviewed in the Ischianews magazine issue of October 2019

Fratelli la Bufala restaurant

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