Local fish tartare with fruit

Ingredients and technique

The local cod is of those caught in the hook. The chef explains that this way, the meat is not abused and the consistency remains intact. Attention to detail is obsessive, we are faced with a dish that does not admit mistakes. Impossible to cheat, quality is all there to make a fine show of itself. Very light seasoning, extra virgin olive oil, salt and lime zest. Around, strawberries, raspberries, dried orange and blueberries. Fundamental acidity for a highly balanced finish. The dish is one of the starters, a proper introductory hat to a high-level menu.


We are on the beach, with taste and elegance. The service in the dining room is careful, accurate, an essential consequence of the rigor imposed in the kitchen. Everything is born and evolves in the name of quality. The underlying engine is a visceral passion for the world of food and wine. Attentive and curious restaurateurs: we travel to discover, we learn to reproduce the best in our own reality.
Which thus becomes a small, great realm of taste. Value for money of extreme consistency.

Dish reviewed in the Ischianews magazine issue of September 2019

Fish burger

Set like a precious jewel in the Bay of Cartaromana, with a privileged view of the Aragonese Castle, the Giardino Eden restaurant offers the right combination of the art of hospitality and cuisine marked by the best of the catch of the local navy.

Ingredients for 4 serving

800 gr Amberjack or fresh fish, 2 Oranges, 1 lemon, Mint, Iceberg salad, 1 Radicchio, Lollo salad, Sichuan pepper to taste, Salt to tast


Ridurre il pesce a tartara, aggiungere scorzetta d’arancia, pizzico di sale e pressare leggermente il preparato in una coppa pasta da 80 mm. Cuocere il fishburger in padella anti aderente riscaldata e procedere alla cottura a fuoco lento per circa 5 minuti. Servirlo accompagnato da una insalatina multicolore, in base al meglio di ciò che ci dona la stagione (iceberg, lollo, rucola, insalatine selvatiche etc.).
Ad accompagnare un’ emulsione di extravergine, limone e menta..

Plate reviewed in the July 2015 Ischianews magazine

Cuore di baccalà on hedgehog of broccoli with parmesan fondue and chili peppers

Eden Garden Restaurant is a particular place, where the excellent cuisine and a unique and spectacular view, seem to form the texture for a perfect picture that delights senses. The view over the Bay of Cartaromana, “governed” by the Aragonese Castle and the distant profiles of Vesuvius, Sorrento and Capri amplify the taste of an impeccable cuisine, the result of a “reinterpretation” of typical recipes of the Mediterranean tradition. A rare pearl is represented by the cellar, stocked with fine wines and available in the best years.


cod fillet, broccoli, parmesan, chili pepper, parsley, oil.


Cook the cod fillet for 15 minutes at 72° vacuum packed, sauté the broccoli in a pan with oil.

Preparation of the fondue
Put in the mixer oil, parmesan and the cooking water of the baccalà, emulsify by arranging the fondue.

Mise en Plase
Arrange the hedgehogs, place over the cod, season with the parmesan fondue and chili pepper, finish the dish with a fried parsley.

Dish reviewed in the Ischianews magazine issue of July 2017

Cremoso al cioccolato su pasta chiffon

An enchanting place that reserves many authentic emotions, it will involve you to make your stay in Ischia so magical...

Doses for 4 servings

200 gr. 70% chocolate, 100 gr. mascarpone cheese, 100 gr. Filadelphia, 50 gr. Brown sugar, 200 gr. fresh cream 32%

100 gr. berries, 30 gr. granulated sugar, 30 gr. water

Compote directions

Bring the berries and water to a boil. Add sugar and reduce the volume by 30%. With the help of a dough cup, place a chiffon pastry disc, a layer of compote on the bottom and add the creamy. Compose the dish with the topping of berries and balsamic vinegar pearls.
Enjoy your meal...

Dish reviewed in the Ischianews magazine issue of September 2018

Linguine di Gerardo di Nola

The exclusive seaside restaurant “Giardino Eden” is the ideal place to immerse yourself in the unique experience of spending unforgettable moments in an elegant and charming atmosphere...

Doses for 4 servings

400gr of Linguine of ‘Gerardo di Nola’, 60gr of Bottarga, 200g of Heart of Mediterranean red, tuna fillet, Puffs of smoked salt to taste, Sechuan pepper as needed, Oil evo L’Arcangelo qb, Toasted orange zest to taste, 1 orange (rind)


Drain linguine al dente, and drop them in a bowl sufficiently large, in which previously we had already prepared a sauce consisting of: 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 50 gr of bottarga, 1 tablespoon of cooking water, Grated orange zest Mix the pasta well with the sauce, place in 4 dishes and proceed to “close” the dish, laying on each one of the four nests of linguine 50 gr. of real raw tuna and cut (thin) to the knife.
Complete the serving with the rest of bottarga, Sechuan pepper and the puffs of smoked salt, garnish with olive oil.

Dish reviewed in the Ischianews magazine issue of July 2018

Ravioli with rabbit in Ischia style

The restaurant is certainly the pearl of the whole structure; based on the culinary art of Ischia, its cuisine knows how to be attentive to the changing needs of the palate without losing the aromas that characterize it. In it there are both traditional dishes and tasty starters that know how to tease.

Ingredients and technique

Egg pasta consistent enough to keep up with the filling that is even explosive: rabbit in the Ischia style, garlic, oil, wine and a little tomato. It seduces the neophyte and makes people dream of that taste that knows it too well. The form changes, but not the substance. Great mastery of cooking, sensitivity and mastery of the technique. The ravioli come to the table perfect, with great aesthetic cleanliness. Around, Parmigiano Reggiano sauce and cherry tomatoes.
Reds and yellows, caramelized at a low temperature until they become addictive. A dish to enjoy a lot.


If heaven exists, it could have these features. Sea, sky, furnishings. Sober and consistent elegance. Around, the bay of Cartaromana. Among the most seductive views of the island. Eating by the sea is synonymous with freedom, the success of this restaurant is the profuse professionalism to satisfy those who choose the evening dress and those who arrive barefoot by boat. Perfect service and Mediterranean cuisine balanced between modernity and tradition. Special menus diversify lunch and dinner. The first is informal, the second more seductive.
Always in great shape, Eden is the ideal destination also for those traveling by sea, wandering among the islands.

Dish reviewed in the Ischianews magazine issue of July 2019

Spaghetti with “ischitan anchovies”, capers from pantelleria, crumbs of bread and lemon zest

Spaghetti with "Alicette nostrane" Pantelleria capers, bread crumbs and lemon rind, restaurant garden EdenEden Garden Restaurant is a particular place, where the excellent cuisine and a unique and spectacular view, seem to form the texture for a perfect picture that delights senses. The view over the Bay of Cartaromana, “governed” by the Aragonese Castle and the distant profiles of Vesuvius, Sorrento and Capri amplify the taste of an impeccable cuisine, the result of a “reinterpretation” of typical recipes of the Mediterranean tradition. A rare pearl is represented by the cellar, stocked with fine wines and available in the best years.


Spaghetti, “anchovies”, breadcrumbs, lemon zest, capers, parsley, white wine, Parmesan
and olive oil.


Add the “achovies” and the lemon zest in the cooled oil heated in a pan, then add the capers and parsley, deglaze with white wine and add a little cooking water. Drain and add the spaghetti in the pan, mix well. Finally sprinkle with fresh parsley and bread (toasted in the oven and grated), complete with a lemon grated, Parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil.

Dish reviewed in the September 2016 Ischianews magazine

Spaghetti di Gragnano con cozze e pepe

Le cozze da Ferdinando di Borbone ad oggi
L’origine della loro fama risale al 1700 ed ai peccati di gola di un personaggio notoriamente amato dal popolo napoletano: Ferdinando I di Borbone, detto “Re Lazzarone”. Si racconta che ne fosse molto ghiotto, tanto da andarle a pescare personalmente a Posillipo. Dalla corte si diffusero al popolo e dato che il delizioso pasto non necessitava di posate e tavole imbandite, sul litorale partenopeo fiorirono numerosi chioschetti, Il chioschetto rappresenta ancora oggi uno dei tratti più caratteristici di Napoli.
Il Ristorante Giardino Eden le propone in una ricetta originale.


Spaghetti di Gragnano, pomodorini, Peperoncini verdi aromatici, Basilico, Cozze, Sale


Pulire per bene le cozze in acqua salata, riporle in una casseruola dove precedentemente si è provveduto ad imbiondire due spicchi d’aglio in camicia a fiamma dolce, e procedere alla cottura fino a che le cozze si siano schiuse.
Togliere le cozze dalla casseruola e filtrare il sugo, sgusciare le cozze.
In una padella ampia versate 2 cucchiai d’olio extravergine, e due spicchi d’aglio in camicia, Riporre i peperoncini verdi in padella, mantenendo la fiamma bassa, aggiungere i pomodorini, a cottura ultimata aggiungere il sugo delle cozze.
Scolare la pasta 3-4 minuti prima della cottura ed ultimare la cottura in padella a fuoco lento, unire il sugo, il basilico e saltate il tutto aggiungendo un pizzico di Parmigiano Reggiano.
Servire aggiungendo un po’ di basilico fresco e una grattugiata di ricottina salata del Cilento.

Il Giardino Eden restaurant

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