Paella of ischia

It is a strictly link between the restaurant Da Ida and the Maronti beach, for more than fifty years. The cuisine since the dawn in traditional style, has a character of experimenting today thanks to the ingenuity of Angelo Pesce, young chef of the maison, the “change of course” actually has a most ancient and traditional taste, evolution consists of “a return to the past” concerning the recovery of local products enhanced by the use of equipment and techniques which respect and enrich, at best, the matrix of each raw material.


Rice, garlic, onion, shrimp, squid, chicken, carrots, zucchini, peas, sugar snap, green beans and peppers, wine and saffron.


Grate garlic and onion; add shrimps, squid, chicken, carrots, zucchini, peas, sugar snap, green beans and peppers. Toast the rice and simmer with white wine. Add saffron to give a little color and cook for 30 minutes.

Dish reviewed in the Ischianews magazine issue of August 2017

Parm with beltfish, aubergines and provola

It is a strictly link between the restaurant Da Ida and the Maronti beach, for more than fifty years. The cuisine since the dawn in traditional style, has a character of experimenting today thanks to the ingenuity of Angelo Pesce, young chef of the maison, the “change of course” actually has a most ancient and traditional taste, evolution consists of “a return to the past” concerning the recovery of local products enhanced by the use of equipment and techniques which respect and enrich, at best, the matrix of each raw material.


Beltfish, provola, aubergines, flour, egg, extra virgin olive oil


Slice eggplants, fry and finally fry them. Fillet the flag fish and get regular fillets, flour and fry. Made the parm overlapping a layer of aubergines to one of the beltfish. Add the cut sliced provola. Bake in static oven for 50 minutes at 170 degrees.

Dish reviewed in the Ischianews magazine issue of May 2017

Mullet from maronti flavored with lemon and potato mille-feuille

Ciderfish of the Maronti flavored with lemon with potato millefeuille, ida restaurant, Eggs, Cream, extra virgin olive oil and breadcrumbs, fish angelIt is a strictly link between the restaurant Da Ida and the Maronti beach, for more than fifty years. The cuisine since the dawn in traditional style, has a character of experimenting today thanks to the ingenuity of Angelo Pesce, young chef of the maison, the “change of course” actually has a most ancient and traditional taste, evolution consists of “a return to the past” concerning the recovery of local products enhanced by the use of equipment and techniques which respect and enrich, at best, the matrix of each raw material


Mullet, lemon peel, potatoes, eggs, cream, olive oil and breadcrumbsmullet, lemon peel, potatoes, eggs, cream, olive oil and breadcrumbs


fillet the mullet, after dusting the fillet with lemon zest, add a little of extra virgin olive oil, place the fillet in the vacuum bag (for food), cook in a bain-marie for 10 minutes at a constant temperature of 65 ° * * this process is called “Slow cooking”, then sear the fillet in the pan.
Potato mille-feuille: slice potatoes very thin, put to a layer of potatoes, a layer of egg and cream and cover, again, with a layer of potatoes. Finish with a sprinkling of breadcrumbs.

Dish reviewed in the August 2016 Ischianews magazine

Spaghetti ai ricci di mare

Ricci di mare nel bacino Mediterraneo
L’introduzione della pasta con i ricci è relativamente recente, sebbene l’idea di farne una salsa sia in realtà antichissima: nelle Satire di Orazio apprendiamo che un certo «Curtillo mostrò il modo di insaporire la salsa con uova di ricci spaccati in due, e con il loro liquido che è migliore di qualsiasi salamoia»
La regione Campania affaccia sul mare, quindi non mancano le preparazioni a base dei ricci di mare che solitamente vengono usati come condimento per la pasta o anche da soli come antipasto.
Il ristorante Ida vi propone questa speciale ricetta.


Ricci di mare vivi, Olio, Aglio, Menta, Limone


Far soffriggere in una padella olio, aglio e limone grattugiato e un pizzico di sale. Far rosolare facendo attenzione che la scorza di limone non bruci, “fermare la cottura” con un mestolo d’acqua. Tagliare a metà i ricci ed estrarre i filetti, metterli da parte avendo cura di conservare l’acqua. Scolare la pasta al dente e mantecare nell’olio aromatizzato con la scorza di limone. Spegnere il fuoco e aggiungere i ricci.
Mise en Place: Disporre gli spaghetti sul piatto e aggiungere una foglia di menta tagliata finemente, un po’ di scorza di limone grattugiata e una spolverata di pane grattugiato tostato.

Tortello mussels beans and almonds

Since 1959, the Ida restaurant is on the beach of Maronti. The refinement of the raw material and respect of tradition have made it one of the most exclusive beach local. Today young chef Angelo Pesce is committed to respect these canons but with a very keen eye for innovation. Open for lunch and dinner, the Ida restaurant also has private beach with sun beds and umbrellas.


fresh egg pasta, mussels, potatoes, beans, almonds.


Roll out a thin layer of fresh pasta and cut out circles of about 5cm in diameter. Boil mussels and blend them together with a parboiled potato obtaining a thick cream with which to stuff the tortellini. Parboil the beans, blend them half and peel the other half. Cook 3 minutes the tortelli, drain and add a little oil. Lay on a cream bed of beans and decorate with beans and with toasted almonds in the oven for 10 minutes.

Plate reviewed in the June 2016 Ischianews magazine

Ida restaurant

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